**Summary** This script preforms a Zhao-Morrison-Parr [ZMP1994]_ Kohn Sham inversion.
Written for Python 3.7.4
.. [ZMP1994] Qingsheng Zhao, Robert C Morrison, and Robert G Parr.
From electron densities to Kohn-Sham kinetic energies, orbital energies, exchange-correlation potentials, and exchange-correlation energies. (1994)
<https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.50.2138> Physical Review A, 50(3) 2138.
.. [THG1997] David J Tozer, Nicholas C Handy, and William H Green.
Exchange-correlation functionals from ab initio electron densities (1997)
<https://doi.org/10.1016/S0009-2614(97)00586 and-1> Chemical Physics Letters, 273(3-4) 183-194
.. [Pulay1980] P Pulay.
Convergence acceleration of iterative sequences. the case of SCF iteration (1980)
<https://doi.org/10.1016/0009-2614(80)80396-4> Chemical Physics Letters, 73 (2): 393–398
.. moduleauthor::
Seungsoo Nam <skaclitz@yonsei.ac.kr> <http://tccl.yonsei.ac.kr/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page> ORCID: `000-0001-9948-6140 <https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9948-6140>`_
.. topic:: Funding
This research was made possible by funding from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2020R1A2C2007468 and NRF-2020R1A4A1017737).
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
from kspies import util
from pyscf import scf, dft
[docs]class DIIS:
"""Summary: Class for DIIS extrapolation used in ZMP
See [Pulay1980]_ for some extra context.
def __init__(self, S, diis_space):
"""Initialize DIIS object
S (ndarray): overlap integral
diis_space (integer) : number of DIIS vectors used in extrapolation
eig, Z = np.linalg.eigh(S)
S12 = 1./np.sqrt(eig)
self.S = S
self.O = reduce(np.dot, (Z, np.diag(S12), Z.T))
self.diis_space = diis_space
self.norb = len(S[0])
self.ems = np.zeros((self.diis_space, self.norb, self.norb))
self.pms = np.zeros((self.diis_space, self.norb, self.norb))
self.tall = self.t_1 = self.t_2 = self.t_3 = 0.
[docs]def basic(mz, mol):
"""Summary: Common basic initialization function for RZMP and UZMP objects
mz : RZMP or UZMP object
mol (object) : an instance of :class:`Mole`
mz.mol = mol
mz.guide = 'faxc'
mz.diis_space = 40
mz.level_shift = .2
mz.max_cycle = 400
mz.conv_tol_dm = 1e-7
mz.conv_tol_diis = 1e-5
mz.with_df = False
mz.verbose = mz.mol.verbose
mz.stdout = mz.mol.stdout
mz.S = mz.mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
mz.T = mz.mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_kin')
mz.V = mz.mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_nuc')
[docs]class RZMP:
"""Summary: Perform ZMP calculation in restricted scheme, see [ZMP1994]_ for detail.
.. _restricted-zmp:
mol (object) : an instance of :class:`Mole`
dm_tar (ndarray) : Density matrix of target density in atomic orbital basis representation
dm_aux (ndarray) : Auxilary density matrix to construct a fixed part of fock matrix. Default is dm_tar
guide (str) : Guiding potential. Can be set as
| None : no guiding potential except external potential
| 'faxc' : Exchange-correlation part of Fermi-Amaldi potential
| xc : ks.xc attribute in pyscf DFT \n
or any combination of them, for example: b3lyp-0.2*hf+0.2*faxc
diis_space (int) : DIIS space size. Default is 40
level_shift (float) : Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.2
max_cycle (int) : max number of zscf iterations. Defalut is 400
conv_tol_dm (float) : converge threshold for density matrix. Default is 1e-7
conv_tol_diis (float) : converge threshold for DIIS error. Default is 1e-5
* **converged** (bool) – zscf converged or not
* **mo_energy** (ndarray) – molecular orbital energies (Note that energies when level_shift = 0)
* **mo_occ** (ndarray) – molecular orbital occupation numbers
* **mo_coeff** (ndarray) – molecular orbital coefficients
* **dm** (ndarray) – density matrix in atomic orbital basis representation
* **l** (float) – the last given lambda
def __init__(self, mol, dm_tar, dm_aux=None):
self.dm_tar = dm_tar
self.initialized = False
self.dm = dm_tar
self.dm_aux = dm_aux
self.dm_old = dm_tar
self.verbose = mol.verbose
get_occ = scf.hf.get_occ
make_rdm1 = scf.hf.SCF.make_rdm1
[docs] def initialize(self):
"""Summary: Construct a fixed part of fock matrix F0
.. math::
F_{0} = T + V_{ext} + V_{h} + V_{g}
self.get_ovlp=lambda *args: self.S
if self.with_df:
if self.dm_aux is None :
if self.guide is None:
fac_faxc, dft_xc = util.parse_guide(self.guide)
N = self.mol.nelectron
J_tar = scf.hf.get_jk(self.mol, self.dm_aux)[0]
VFA = -(1./N)*(J_tar)
self.mf.xc = dft_xc
Vxcdft = self.mf.get_veff(self.mol, dm=self.dm_aux)
self.V0 = fac_faxc * VFA + Vxcdft
[docs] def zscf(self, l):
Run self-consistent ZMP equation under given lambda (l). Prints lambda,
HOMO-LUMO, dN and C to terminal.
l (float): Lagrange multiplier lambda
if not self.initialized:
self.l = l
self.converged = False
self.zdiis = DIIS(self.S, self.diis_space)
for cycle in range(1, self.max_cycle):
self.J = self.mf.get_jk(self.mol, self.dm)[0]
self.F = self.F0 + l*(self.J - self.J_tar)
self.F = scf.hf.level_shift(self.S, self.dm*.5, self.F, self.level_shift)
self.F, diis_e = self.zdiis.extrapolate(cycle, self.F, self.dm) #DIIS
self.mo_energy, self.mo_coeff = scf.hf.eig(self.F, self.S)
self.mo_occ = self.get_occ(self.mo_energy, self.mo_coeff)
self.dm = self.make_rdm1(self.mo_coeff, self.mo_occ)
ddm = self.dm_old - self.dm
dm_e = np.max(np.abs(ddm))
self.dm_old = self.dm
dm_converged = dm_e < self.conv_tol_dm
diis_converged = diis_e < self.conv_tol_diis
self.mo_energy[self.mo_occ==0] -= self.level_shift
nocc = self.mol.nelectron // 2
HOMO, LUMO =self.mo_energy[nocc-1], self.mo_energy[nocc]
gap = LUMO - HOMO
print(f'\rlambda= {l:7.2f} iter: {cycle:4d} gap= {gap:10.7f} ',end='\r')
self.converged = dm_converged and diis_converged
if self.converged and cycle > 1:
self.J = self.mf.get_jk(self.mol, self.dm)[0]
dn = dft.numint.eval_rho(self.mol, self.ao, self.dm - self.dm_tar)
dN = 1000*np.einsum('r,r', abs(dn), self.weights)
C = np.einsum('ij,ji', self.dm-self.dm_tar, self.J - self.J_tar) #Objective of minimization
print(f'lambda= {l:7.2f} niter: {cycle:4d} gap= {LUMO-HOMO:10.7f} dN= {dN:7.2f} C= {C:.2e} ')
[docs]class UZMP:
"""Summary: Perform ZMP calculation in unrestricted scheme, see [THG1997]_.
.. _unrestricted-zmp:
mol (object) : an instance of :class:`Mole`
dm_tar (ndarray) : Density matrix of target density in atomic orbital basis representation
dm_aux (ndarray) : Auxilary density matrix to construct a fixed part of fock matrix. Default is dm_tar
guide (str) : Guiding potential. Can be set as
| None : no guiding potential except external potential
| 'faxc' : Exchange-correlation part of Fermi-Amaldi potential
| xc : ks.xc attribute in pyscf DFT \n
or any combination of them, for example: b3lyp-0.2*hf+0.2*faxc
diis_space (int) : DIIS space size. Default is 40
level_shift (float) : Level shift (in AU) for virtual space. Default is 0.2
max_cycle (int) : max number of zscf iterations. Defalut is 400
conv_tol_dm (float) : converge threshold for density matrix. Default is 1e-7
conv_tol_diis (float) : converge threshold for DIIS error. Default is 1e-5
* **converged** (bool) – zscf converged or not
* **mo_energy** (ndarray) – molecular orbital energies (Note that energies when level_shift = 0)
* **mo_occ** (ndarray) – molecular orbital occupation numbers
* **mo_coeff** (ndarray) – molecular orbital coefficients
* **dm** (ndarray) – density matrix in atomic orbital basis representation
* **l** (float) – the last given lambda
def __init__(self, mol, dm_tar, dm_aux=None):
basic(self, mol)
self.nelec = mol.nelec
self.dm_tar = dm_tar
self.initialized = False
self.dm = dm_tar
self.dm_aux = dm_aux
self.dm_old = dm_tar
self.verbose = mol.verbose
get_occ = scf.uhf.get_occ
make_rdm1 = scf.uhf.UHF.make_rdm1
spin_square = scf.uhf.UHF.spin_square
[docs] def initialize(self):
"""Summary: Construct a fixed part of fock matrix F0
.. math::
F_{0} = T + V_{ext} + V_{h} + V_{g}
self.get_ovlp=lambda *args: self.S
if self.with_df:
self.mf = dft.UKS(self.mol).density_fit()
self.mf = dft.UKS(self.mol)
self.coords = self.mf.grids.coords
self.weights = self.mf.grids.weights
self.ao = dft.numint.eval_ao(self.mol,self.coords)
if self.dm_aux is None:
self.dm_aux = self.dm_tar
self.J_tar = self.mf.get_jk(self.mol,self.dm_tar)[0]
if self.guide is None:
self.V0 = np.zeros_like(self.dm_tar)
fac_faxc, dft_xc = util.parse_guide(self.guide)
N = self.mol.nelectron
J_tar = scf.hf.get_jk(self.mol, self.dm_aux)[0]
VFA = -(1./N)*(J_tar[0]+J_tar[1])
self.mf.xc = dft_xc
Vxcdft = self.mf.get_veff(self.mol, dm=self.dm_aux)
self.V0 = fac_faxc * np.array((VFA, VFA)) + Vxcdft
self.F0 = (self.T + self.V+self.V0[0],
self.T + self.V+self.V0[1])
self.initialized = True
[docs] def zscf(self, l):
"""Summary: Run self-consistent ZMP equation under given lambda (l)
l (float): Lagrange multiplier lambda
if not self.initialized:
self.l = l
self.converged = False
self.zdiis_a = DIIS(self.S, self.diis_space)
self.zdiis_b = DIIS(self.S, self.diis_space)
for cycle in range(1, self.max_cycle):
self.J = self.mf.get_jk(self.mol, self.dm)[0]
self.Fa = self.F0[0] + 2*l*(self.J[0] - self.J_tar[0])
self.Fb = self.F0[1] + 2*l*(self.J[1] - self.J_tar[1])
self.Fa = scf.hf.level_shift(self.S, self.dm[0], self.Fa, self.level_shift)
self.Fb = scf.hf.level_shift(self.S, self.dm[1], self.Fb, self.level_shift)
self.Fa, diis_e_a = self.zdiis_a.extrapolate(cycle, self.Fa, self.dm[0])
self.Fb, diis_e_b = self.zdiis_b.extrapolate(cycle, self.Fb, self.dm[1])
e_a, c_a = scf.hf.eig(self.Fa, self.S)
e_b, c_b = scf.hf.eig(self.Fb, self.S)
self.mo_energy = np.array((e_a,e_b))
self.mo_coeff = np.array((c_a,c_b))
self.mo_occ = self.get_occ(self.mo_energy, self.mo_coeff)
self.dm = self.make_rdm1(self.mo_coeff, self.mo_occ)
ddm = self.dm_old - self.dm
dm_e = np.max(np.abs(ddm))
self.dm_old = self.dm
dm_converged = dm_e < self.conv_tol_dm
diis_converged = diis_e_a+diis_e_b < self.conv_tol_diis
self.mo_energy[0][self.mo_occ[0]==0] -= self.level_shift
self.mo_energy[1][self.mo_occ[1]==0] -= self.level_shift
HOMO = np.maximum(self.mo_energy[0][self.nelec[0]-1],
LUMO = np.minimum(self.mo_energy[0][self.nelec[0]],
print(f'\rlambda= {l:7.2f} iter: {cycle:4d} gap= {gap:10.7f} ',end='\r')
self.converged = dm_converged and diis_converged
if self.converged and cycle > 1:
self.J = self.mf.get_jk(self.mol, self.dm)[0]
#Calculate alpha/beta density difference separately
#dn_a = dft.numint.eval_rho(self.mol, self.ao, (self.dm-self.dm_tar)[0])
#dn_b = dft.numint.eval_rho(self.mol, self.ao, (self.dm-self.dm_tar)[1])
#dN = 1000*np.einsum('r,r', abs(dn_a)+abs(dn_b), self.weights)
dn = dft.numint.eval_rho(self.mol, self.ao, (self.dm[0]+self.dm[1]-self.dm_tar[0]-self.dm_tar[1]))
dN = 1000*np.einsum('r,r', abs(dn), self.weights)
Ca = np.einsum('ij,ji', self.dm[0]-self.dm_tar[0], self.J[0]-self.J_tar[0])
Cb = np.einsum('ij,ji', self.dm[1]-self.dm_tar[1], self.J[1]-self.J_tar[1])
C = 2*(Ca+Cb)
print(f'lambda= {l:7.2f} niter: {cycle:4d} gap= {gap:10.7f} dN= {dN:7.2f} C= {C:.2e} ')