Wu and Yang
**Summary** This is a program for preforming Kohn-Sham inversion with algorithm introduced by Wu and Yang [WuYang2003]_.
Written for Python 3.7.4 Lots of other text here, like details about how this uses the original Wu Yang idea [WuYang2003]_, and how the other ref is used for Regularization [HBY2007]_ . Any useful info about the algorithm should also be given.
.. moduleauthor::
Seungsoo Nam <skaclitz@yonsei.ac.kr> <http://tccl.yonsei.ac.kr/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page> ORCID: `000-0001-9948-6140 <https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9948-6140>`_
Ryan J. McCarty <rmccarty@uci.edu> <http://ryanjmccarty.com> ORCID: `0000-0002-2417-8917 <http://https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2417-8917>`_
.. [WuYang2003] Qin Wu and Weitao Yang. A direct optimization method for calculating density functionals and exchange–correlation potentials from electron densities (2003)
<https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1535422> Journal of Chemical Physics, 118(6).
.. [HBY2007] Tim Heaton-Burgess, Felipe A. Bulat, and Weitao Yang. Optimized Effective Potentials in Finite Basis Sets (2007)
<https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.256401> Physical review letters, 98(25).
.. [GNGK2020] Rachel Garrick, Amir Natan, Tim Gould, and Leeor Kronik. Exact Generalized Kohn-Sham Theory for Hybrid Functionals (2020)
<https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.10.021040> Physical Review X, 10(2).
.. topic:: Funding
This research was made possible by funding from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2020R1A2C2007468 and NRF-2020R1A4A1017737).
import time, warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from pyscf import gto, scf, dft, df
from kspies import util
from opt_einsum import contract
from kspies import kspies_fort
[docs]def project_b(mw1, mw2):
"""Summary: Transfer b vector from one WY calculation (mw1) to other (mw2)
mw1 : WY object to project b
mw2 : WY object to be projected
mol1 = mw1.pmol
npbs1 = mol1.nao_nr()
b1 = mw1.b
mol2 = mw2.pmol
if type(mw1).__name__ == 'RWY' and type(mw2).__name__ == 'RWY':
b1 = np.array([b1]).T
mw2.b = scf.addons.project_mo_nr2nr(mol1, b1, mol2)[:,0]
elif type(mw1).__name__ == 'UWY' and type(mw2).__name__ == 'UWY':
b1 = np.vstack((b1[:npbs1],b1[npbs1:])).T
b2 = scf.addons.project_mo_nr2nr(mol1, b1, mol2)
mw2.b = np.hstack((b2[:,0],b2[:,1]))
warnings.warn("Two WY objects are not same!")
[docs]def numint_3c2b(mol, pbas, level=5):
"""Summary: Three-center overlap integral with different atomic- and potential- basis sets with numerical integration
mol : an instance of :class:`Mole`
pbas (list) : potential basis set for WY, given as a list of functions
level (int 0~9) : PySCF preset mesh grid used for numerical integration. Default is 5
(ndarray): **Sijt** three-center overlap integral with shape ((n1, n1, n2))
where n1 is the length of atomic orbital basis set defined in mol,
and n2 is the length of potential basis set
grids = dft.gen_grid.Grids(mol)
grids.level = level
coords = grids.coords
weights = grids.weights
ao1 = dft.numint.eval_ao(mol, coords, deriv=0)
ao2 = []
n1 = mol.nao_nr()
n2 = 0
for vr_generator in pbas:
n2 += 1
t0 = time.time()
if kf_imported: #Utilize faster numerical integration
Sijt = kspies_fort.ovlp_aab(weights, ao1, ao2, n1, n2, len(weights))
else: #kspies_fort not imported, us numpy
Sijt = contract('ri, rj, rk, r->ijk', ao1, ao1, ao2, weights)
n1 = mol.nao_nr()
t = (time.time()-t0)/60.
print("Three-center overlap integral by numerical integration")
print("n1 : %4i"%n1)
print("n2 : %4i"%n2)
print("time: %.1f min"%t)
return Sijt
[docs]def time_profile(mw):
"""Summary: Print to terminal a collection of time data in seconds
Terminal prints: \n
* initialize : time for initialization \n
* total_opt : total elasped time \n
* solve_eig : time to construct fock matrix and diagonalize it \n
* Ws_eval : time to evaluate objective function Ws \n
* Gd_eval : time to evaluate gradient of objective function \n
* Hs_eval : time to evaluate hessian of objective function \n
print("*********Time Profile*********")
print("initialize : %15.3f"%mw.t_init)
print("total_opt : %15.3f"%mw.t_opt)
print("solve_eig : %15.3f"%mw.t_eig)
print("Ws_eval : %15.3f"%mw.t_ws)
print("Gd_eval : %15.3f"%mw.t_gd)
print("Hs_eval : %15.3f"%mw.t_hs)
[docs]def run(mw, xbas=None):
"""Summary: Minimize an objective function -Ws
mw : RWY or UWY object
t = time.time()
if mw.method.lower()=='cg' or mw.method.lower()=='bfgs':
mw.res = minimize(mw.eval_Ws, x0=mw.b, method=mw.method, jac=mw.eval_Gd,
tol=mw.tol, options={'disp': False})
mw.res = minimize(mw.eval_Ws, x0=mw.b, method=mw.method, jac=mw.eval_Gd, hess=mw.eval_Hs,
tol=mw.tol, options={'disp': False})
mw.b = mw.res.x
mw.converged = mw.res.success
mw.t_opt += time.time()-t
[docs]def wyscf(mw, ddmtol=1e-6):
"""Summary: Run WY until its self-consistent. This is required for hybrid guiding potentials
.. note::
This function performs very simplied generalization of WY for non-local guiding potential, mimicking [GNGK2020]_.
There is no theoretical proof that the result of this function can be trusted.
The optimization of WY objective functional is only theoretically proven for local multiplicative potentials, not non-local potential.
mw : RWY or UWY object
ddmtol (float, optional) : Convergence criteria of density matrix.
mw.totnit = 0
mw.totnit += mw.res.nit
mw.scfcycle = 0
for i in range(40):
mw.scfcycle = i+1
dm_old = mw.dm
mw.dm_aux = dm_old
mw.totnit += mw.res.nit
mw.ddm = np.max(np.abs(np.array(dm_old)-np.array(mw.dm)))
if mw.ddm < ddmtol:
[docs]def info(mw):
"""Summary: Print summary of minimization
mw : RWY or UWY object
grd = mw.res.jac
maxgrd = np.max(abs(grd))
if mw.converged == False:
print(" *****Optimization Failed*****")
print(" after %i iterations "%mw.res.nit)
print("****Optimization Completed****")
if hasattr(mw, 'scfcycle'):
print(" after %i scf cycles "%mw.scfcycle)
print(" and %i iterations "%mw.totnit)
print("max(ddm) : %15.8f"%mw.ddm)
print(" after %i iterations "%mw.res.nit)
print("func_value : %15.8f"%mw.res.fun)
print("max_grad : %15.8f"%maxgrd)
[docs]def basic(mw, mol, pbas, Sijt, tbas, Smnt):
"""Summary: Common basic initialization function for RWY and UWY objects
mw : RWY or UWY object
mol : an instance of :class:`Mole`
pbas (dict or str) : potential basis set for WY
Sijt (ndarray) : three-center overlap integral with shape ((no, no, np))
where no is the length of atomic orbital basis set defined in mol,
while np is the length of potential basis set
Only effective for model systems and molecular systems with user-defined pbs.
Otherwise, this is ignored and analytical integration is performed.
tbas (dict or str) : basis set of target density matrix
Smnt (ndarray) : three-center overlap integral with shape ((nt, nt, np))
where nt is the length of atomic orbital basis set that defines target density matrix,
while np is the length of potential basis set
Only effective for model systems and molecular systems with user-defined pbs.
Otherwise, this is ignored and analytical integration is performed.
mw.mol = mol
mw.guide = 'faxc'
mw.reg = 0.
mw.tol = 1e-6
mw.method = 'trust-exact'
mw.verbose = mw.mol.verbose
mw.stdout = mw.mol.stdout
mw.Sijt = None
mw.Smnt = None
mw.Tp = None
mw.pbas = pbas
mw.tbas = tbas
is_model1 = len(mw.mol._atm) == 0
is_model2 = len(mw.mol._bas) == 0
mw.model = is_model1 and is_model2
if mw.model: #Check if defined mol is a molecule or model
mw.guide = None
if Sijt is None:
raise AssertionError("Three-center overlap integeral should be given for model system")
if kf_imported:
mw.Sijt = np.array(Sijt, order='F')
if Smnt is not None:
mw.Smnt = np.array(Smnt, order='F')
mw.Sijt = np.array(Sijt, order='C')
if Smnt is not None:
mw.Smnt = np.array(Smnt, order='C')
mw.S = mw.mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
mw.T = mw.mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_kin')
mw.V = mw.mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_nuc')
if tbas is None:
mw.tbas = mol.basis
mw.tmol = df.make_auxmol(mol, auxbasis=mw.tbas)
if pbas is not None and callable(pbas[0]):
#potential basis is given as a list of user-defined functions
#In this case, mw.Tp should be given by the user to use regularization
mw.Sijt = Sijt
if Sijt is None:
mw.Sijt = numint_3c2b(mol, pbas)
if not gto.mole.same_basis_set(mol, mw.tmol):
mw.Smnt = Smnt
if Smnt is None:
mw.Smnt = numint_3c2b(mw.tmol, pbas)
#potential basis is given as a pyscf-supported format
if pbas is None:
mw.pbas = mol.basis
mw.pmol = df.make_auxmol(mol, auxbasis=mw.pbas)
mw.Tp = mw.pmol.intor_symmetric('int1e_kin')
mw.Sijt = df.incore.aux_e2(mol, mw.pmol, intor='int3c1e')
if not gto.mole.same_basis_set(mol, mw.tmol):
mw.Smnt = df.incore.aux_e2(mw.tmol, mw.pmol, intor='int3c1e')
mw.nbas = len(mw.Sijt[:, 0, 0])
mw.npot = len(mw.Sijt[0, 0, :])
[docs]class RWY:
"""Summary: Perform WY calculation in restricted scheme
.. _restrictedwy:
mol (object) : an instance of :class:`Mole`
dm_tar (ndarray) : Density matrix of target density in atomic orbital basis representation
pbas (dict or str or list) : Potential basis set for WY. If not given, same with atomic orbital basis.
If this is given as a list of function, those functions are recognized as potential basis set.
Sijt (ndarray) : Three-center overlap integral. Ignored (calculated analitically) when pbas is given as dict or str (i.e., pyscf supported formats)
dm_aux (ndarray) : Auxilary density matrix to construct density-dependent part of guiding potential. Default is dm_tar
guide (str) : Guiding potential. Can be set as
| None : no guiding potential except external potential
| 'faxc' : Exchange-correlation part of Fermi-Amaldi potential
| xc : ks.xc attribute in pyscf DFT \n
or any combination of them, for example: b3lyp-0.2*hf+0.2*faxc
reg (float) : strength of regularization. Default is 0
tol (float) : tolarance of optimization (maximum gradient element). Default is 1e-6
method (str) : optimization algorithm used in SciPy. Can be (case insensitive) 'cg', 'bfgs', 'newton-cg',
'dogleg', 'trust-ncg', 'trust-krylov', 'trust-exact'. Defult is 'trust-exact'
* **converged** (bool) – optimization converged or not
* **mo_energy** (ndarray) – molecular orbital energies
* **mo_occ** (ndarray) – molecular orbital occupation numbers
* **mo_coeff** (ndarray) – molecular orbital coefficients
* **dm** (ndarray) – density matrix in atomic orbital basis representation
* **b** (ndarray) – optimized linear combination coefficients
def __init__(self, mol, dm_tar, pbas=None, Sijt=None, tbas=None, Smnt=None, dm_aux=None):
t = time.time()
basic(self, mol, pbas, Sijt, tbas, Smnt)
self.nbas = len(self.Sijt[:, 0, 0])
self.npot = len(self.Sijt[0, 0, :])
self.b = np.zeros(self.npot)
self.internal_b = np.ones_like(self.b)
self.dm_aux = dm_aux
self.dm_tar = dm_tar
self.t_eig = self.t_ws = self.t_gd = self.t_hs = self.t_opt = 0.
self.t_init = time.time()-t
get_occ = scf.hf.get_occ
make_rdm1 = scf.hf.SCF.make_rdm1
run = run
time_profile = time_profile
info = info
wyscf = wyscf
[docs] def initialize(self, xbas=None):
"""Summary: Construct a fixed part of fock matrix F0
.. math::
F_{0} = T + V_{ext} + V_{h} + V_{g}
self.get_ovlp = lambda *args: self.S
self.internal_b = np.ones_like(self.b)
if self.dm_aux is None:
self.dm_aux = self.dm_tar
if xbas is None:
xbas = self.tbas
if self.guide is None:
self.V0 = np.zeros_like(self.dm_tar)
fac_faxc, dft_xc = util.parse_guide(self.guide)
N = self.mol.nelectron
self.xmol = df.make_auxmol(self.mol, auxbasis=xbas)
dm_aux_ao = scf.addons.project_dm_nr2nr(self.xmol, self.dm_aux, self.mol)
J_tar = scf.hf.get_jk(self.mol, dm_aux_ao)[0]
VFA = -(1./N)*(J_tar)
mydft = dft.RKS(self.mol)
mydft.xc = dft_xc
Vxcdft = mydft.get_veff(self.mol, dm=dm_aux_ao)
self.V0 = fac_faxc * VFA + Vxcdft
if self.Smnt is not None:
#Generate potential matrix in target DM basis representation
dm_aux_tbas = scf.addons.project_dm_nr2nr(self.xmol, self.dm_aux, self.tmol)
self.V_tbas = self.tmol.intor('int1e_nuc')
VFA_tbas = -(1./N)*scf.hf.get_jk(self.tmol, dm_aux_tbas)[0]
mydft_tbas = dft.RKS(self.tmol)
mydft_tbas.xc = dft_xc
Vxcdft_tbas = mydft_tbas.get_veff(self.tmol, dm=dm_aux_tbas)
self.V0_tbas = fac_faxc * VFA_tbas + Vxcdft_tbas
self.F0 = self.T+self.V+self.V0
[docs] def solve(self, b):
"""Summary: Under a given b vector, construct a fock matrix and diagonalize it
F = F0 + V(b)
resulting mo_coeff(C), mo_energy(E), and density matrix are stored as instance attributes
if not np.allclose(b, self.internal_b, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-12):
t = time.time()
self.internal_b = b.copy()
self.fock = self.F0+np.einsum('t,ijt->ij', b, self.Sijt)
self.mo_energy, self.mo_coeff = scf.hf.eig(self.fock, self.S)
self.mo_occ = self.get_occ(self.mo_energy, self.mo_coeff)
self.dm = self.make_rdm1(self.mo_coeff, self.mo_occ)
self.t_eig += time.time()-t
t = time.time()
if kf_imported:
if self.Smnt is None:
#AO basis for WY is same with AO basis of target density
self.grad = kspies_fort.einsum_ij_ijt_2t((self.dm-self.dm_tar), self.Sijt, self.nbas, self.npot)
self.grad = kspies_fort.einsum_ij_ijt_2t(self.dm, self.Sijt, self.nbas, self.npot)
self.grad -= kspies_fort.einsum_ij_ijt_2t(self.dm_tar, self.Smnt, len(self.Smnt[:, 0, 0]), self.npot)
if self.Smnt is None:
self.grad = contract('ij,ijt->t', (self.dm-self.dm_tar), self.Sijt)
self.grad = contract('ij,ijt->t', self.dm, self.Sijt)
self.grad -= contract('ij,ijt->t', self.dm_tar, self.Smnt)
self.t_gd += time.time()-t
[docs] def eval_Ws(self, b):
"""Summary: Calculate objective function Ws under given b vector
When mw.reg > 0, regularization is added
t = time.time()
Ws = np.einsum('ij,ji', self.T, self.dm)
if self.Smnt is None:
Ws += np.einsum('ij,ji', (self.V+self.V0), (self.dm-self.dm_tar))
Ws += np.einsum('ij,ji', (self.V+self.V0), self.dm)
Ws -= np.einsum('ij,ji', (self.V_tbas+self.V0_tbas), self.dm_tar)
Ws += np.einsum('t,t', b, self.grad)
self.Ws = Ws
penelty = 0.
if self.reg > 0:
penelty = self.reg*self.Dvb(b)
self.t_ws += time.time()-t
return -(Ws-penelty)
[docs] def eval_Gd(self, b):
"""Summary: -d(Ws)/b_t
t = time.time()
self.Gd = self.grad
if self.reg > 0:
self.Gd -= 4*self.reg*np.einsum('st,t->s', self.Tp, b)
self.t_gd += time.time()-t
return -self.Gd
[docs] def eval_Hs(self, b):
"""Summary: -d^2(Ws)/(b_t)(b_u)
t = time.time()
nocc = self.mol.nelectron//2
eia = self.mo_energy[:nocc, None] - self.mo_energy[None, nocc:]
tol_zero = 1e+15
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
eia = np.nan_to_num(eia**-1, posinf=tol_zero, neginf=-tol_zero)**-1
if kf_imported:
self.Hs=kspies_fort.wy_hess(self.Sijt, self.mo_coeff, eia, nocc, self.nbas-nocc, self.npot)
Siat = contract('mi,va,mvt->iat', self.mo_coeff[:,:nocc], self.mo_coeff[:,nocc:], self.Sijt)
self.Hs= 4*contract('iau,iat,ia->ut', Siat, Siat, eia**-1)
if self.reg > 0:
self.Hs -= 4*self.reg*self.Tp
self.t_hs += time.time()-t
return -self.Hs
[docs] def Dvb(self, b=None):
"""Summary: Calcuate the norm of the correction potential derivative
.. math::
\\| \\nabla v_C ( \\textbf{r} ) \\|^2 = \\int v_C ( \\textbf{r} ) \\nabla^2 v_C ( \\textbf{r} ) d \\textbf{r}
if b is None:
b = self.b
Dvb = 2*np.einsum('s,st,t', b, self.Tp, b, optimize=True)
return Dvb
[docs]class UWY:
"""Summary: Perform WY calculation in unrestricted scheme
.. _unrestrictedwy:
mol (object) : an instance of :class:`Mole`
dm_tar (ndarray) : Density matrix of target density in atomic orbital basis representation
pbas (dict or str or list) : Potential basis set for WY. If not given, same with atomic orbital basis.
If this is given as a list of function, those functions are recognized as potential basis set.
Sijt (ndarray) : Three-center overlap integral. Ignored (calculated analitically) when pbas is given as dict or str (i.e., pyscf supported formats)
dm_aux (ndarray) : Auxilary density matrix to construct density-dependent part of guiding potential. Default is dm_tar
guide (str) : Guiding potential. Can be set as
| None : no guiding potential except external potential
| 'faxc' : Exchange-correlation part of Fermi-Amaldi potential
| xc : ks.xc attribute in pyscf DFT \n
or any combination of them, for example: b3lyp-0.2*hf+0.2*faxc
reg (float) : strength of regularization. Default is 0
tol (float) : tolarance of optimization (maximum gradient element). Default is 1e-6
method (str) : optimization algorithm used in SciPy. Can be (case insensitive) 'cg', 'bfgs', 'newton-cg',
'dogleg', 'trust-ncg', 'trust-krylov', 'trust-exact'. Defult is 'trust-exact'
* **converged** (bool) – optimization converged or not
* **mo_energy** (ndarray) – molecular orbital energies
* **mo_occ** (ndarray) – molecular orbital occupation numbers
* **mo_coeff** (ndarray) – molecular orbital coefficients
* **dm** (ndarray) – density matrix in atomic orbital basis representation
* **b** (ndarray) – optimized linear combination coefficients.
def __init__(self, mol, dm_tar, pbas=None, Sijt=None, tbas=None, Smnt=None, dm_aux=None):
t = time.time()
basic(self, mol, pbas, Sijt, tbas, Smnt)
self.nelec = [int((mol.nelectron+mol.spin)//2), int((mol.nelectron-mol.spin)//2)]
self.nbas = len(self.Sijt[:, 0, 0])
self.npot = len(self.Sijt[0, 0, :])
self.b = np.zeros(2*self.npot)
self.dm_aux = dm_aux
self.dm_tar = dm_tar
self.t_eig = self.t_ws = self.t_gd = self.t_hs = self.t_opt = 0.
self.t_init = time.time()-t
get_occ = scf.uhf.get_occ
make_rdm1 = scf.uhf.UHF.make_rdm1
spin_square = scf.uhf.UHF.spin_square
run = run
time_profile = time_profile
info = info
wyscf = wyscf
[docs] def initialize(self, xbas=None):
"""Summary: Construct a fixed part of fock matrix F0
.. math::
F_{0} = T + V_{ext} + V_{h} + V_{g}
self.get_ovlp = lambda *args: self.S
self.internal_b = np.ones_like(self.b)
if self.dm_aux is None:
self.dm_aux = self.dm_tar
if xbas is None:
xbas = self.tbas
if self.guide is None:
self.V0 = np.zeros_like(self.dm_tar)
fac_faxc, dft_xc = util.parse_guide(self.guide)
N = self.mol.nelectron
self.xmol = df.make_auxmol(self.mol, auxbasis=xbas)
dm_aux_ao = scf.addons.project_dm_nr2nr(self.xmol, self.dm_aux, self.mol)
J_tar = scf.hf.get_jk(self.mol, dm_aux_ao)[0]
VFA = -(1./N)*(J_tar[0]+J_tar[1])
mydft = dft.UKS(self.mol)
mydft.xc = dft_xc
Vxcdft = mydft.get_veff(self.mol, dm=dm_aux_ao)
if self.Smnt is not None:
#Generate potential matrix in target DM basis representation
dm_aux_tbas = scf.addons.project_dm_nr2nr(self.xmol, self.dm_aux, self.tmol)
self.V_tbas = self.tmol.intor('int1e_nuc')
J_tbas = scf.hf.get_jk(self.tmol, dm_aux_tbas)[0]
VFA_tbas = -(1./N)*(J_tbas[0]+J_tbas[1])
mydft_tbas = dft.UKS(self.tmol)
mydft_tbas.xc = dft_xc
Vxcdft_tbas = mydft_tbas.get_veff(self.tmol, dm=dm_aux_tbas)
self.V0_tbas = fac_faxc * VFA_tbas + Vxcdft_tbas
self.V0 = fac_faxc * np.array((VFA, VFA)) + Vxcdft
self.F0 = (self.T+self.V+self.V0[0],
[docs] def solve(self, b):
"""Summary: Under a given b vector, construct a fock matrix and diagonalize it
F = F0 + V(b)
resulting mo_coeff(C), mo_energy(E), and density matrix are stored as instance attributes
if not np.allclose(b, self.internal_b, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-12):
t = time.time()
self.internal_b = b.copy()
Fa = self.F0[0]+contract('t,ijt->ij', b[:self.npot], self.Sijt)
Fb = self.F0[1]+contract('t,ijt->ij', b[self.npot:], self.Sijt)
self.fock = ((Fa, Fb))
e_a, c_a = scf.hf.eig(Fa, self.S)
e_b, c_b = scf.hf.eig(Fb, self.S)
self.mo_coeff = np.array((c_a, c_b))
self.mo_energy = np.array((e_a, e_b))
self.mo_occ = self.get_occ(self.mo_energy, self.mo_coeff)
self.dm = self.make_rdm1(self.mo_coeff, self.mo_occ)
self.t_eig += time.time()-t
t = time.time()
if kf_imported:
if self.Smnt is None:
#AO basis for WY is same with AO basis of target density
self.grad_a = kspies_fort.einsum_ij_ijt_2t((self.dm[0]-self.dm_tar[0]), self.Sijt, self.nbas, self.npot)
self.grad_b = kspies_fort.einsum_ij_ijt_2t((self.dm[1]-self.dm_tar[1]), self.Sijt, self.nbas, self.npot)
self.grad_a = kspies_fort.einsum_ij_ijt_2t(self.dm[0], self.Sijt, self.nbas, self.npot)
self.grad_a -= kspies_fort.einsum_ij_ijt_2t(self.dm_tar[0], self.Smnt, len(self.Smnt[:, 0, 0]), self.npot)
self.grad_b = kspies_fort.einsum_ij_ijt_2t(self.dm[1], self.Sijt, self.nbas, self.npot)
self.grad_b -= kspies_fort.einsum_ij_ijt_2t(self.dm_tar[1], self.Smnt, len(self.Smnt[:, 0, 0]), self.npot)
if self.Smnt is None:
self.grad_a = contract('ij,ijt->t', (self.dm[0]-self.dm_tar[0]), self.Sijt)
self.grad_b = contract('ij,ijt->t', (self.dm[1]-self.dm_tar[1]), self.Sijt)
self.grad_a = contract('ij,ijt->t', self.dm[0], self.Sijt)
self.grad_a -= contract('ij,ijt->t', self.dm_tar[0], self.Smnt)
self.grad_b = contract('ij,ijt->t', self.dm[1], self.Sijt)
self.grad_b -= contract('ij,ijt->t', self.dm_tar[1], self.Smnt)
self.t_gd += time.time()-t
[docs] def eval_Ws(self, b):
"""Summary: Calculate objective function Ws under given b vector
When mw.reg > 0, regularization is added
t = time.time()
Ws = np.einsum('ij,ji', self.T, (self.dm[0]+self.dm[1]))
if self.Smnt is None:
Ws += np.einsum('ij,ji', self.V, (self.dm[0]+self.dm[1]-self.dm_tar[0]-self.dm_tar[1]))
Ws += np.einsum('ij,ji', self.V0[0], (self.dm[0]-self.dm_tar[0]))
Ws += np.einsum('ij,ji', self.V0[1], (self.dm[1]-self.dm_tar[1]))
Ws += np.einsum('ij,ji', self.V, (self.dm[0]+self.dm[1]))
Ws -= np.einsum('ij,ji', self.V_tbas, (self.dm_tar[0]+self.dm_tar[1]))
Ws += np.einsum('ij,ji', self.V0[0], self.dm[0])
Ws -= np.einsum('ij,ji', self.V0_tbas[0], self.dm_tar[0])
Ws += np.einsum('ij,ji', self.V0[1], self.dm[1])
Ws -= np.einsum('ij,ji', self.V0_tbas[1], self.dm_tar[1])
Ws += np.einsum('t,t', b[:self.npot], self.grad_a)
Ws += np.einsum('t,t', b[self.npot:], self.grad_b)
self.Ws = Ws
penelty = 0.
if self.reg > 0: #Regularization on
penelty = self.reg*self.Dvb(b)
self.t_ws += time.time()-t
return -(Ws-penelty)
[docs] def eval_Gd(self, b):
"""Summary: -d(Ws)/b_t
t = time.time()
self.Ga = self.grad_a
self.Gb = self.grad_b
if self.reg > 0: #Regularization on
self.Ga -= 2*self.reg*np.einsum('st,t->s', self.Tp, b[:self.npot])
self.Gb -= 2*self.reg*np.einsum('st,t->s', self.Tp, b[self.npot:])
self.Gd = np.concatenate((self.Ga, self.Gb), axis=None)
self.t_gd += time.time()-t
return -self.Gd
[docs] def eval_Hs(self, b):
"""Summary: -d^2(Ws)/(b_t)(b_u)
t = time.time()
n_a, n_b = self.nelec[0], self.nelec[1]
mo_a, mo_b = self.mo_coeff
eia_a = self.mo_energy[0][:n_a, None] - self.mo_energy[0][None, n_a:]
eia_b = self.mo_energy[1][:n_b, None] - self.mo_energy[1][None, n_b:]
tol_zero = 1e+15
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
eia_a = np.nan_to_num(eia_a**-1, posinf=tol_zero, neginf=-tol_zero)**-1
eia_b = np.nan_to_num(eia_b**-1, posinf=tol_zero, neginf=-tol_zero)**-1
if kf_imported:
self.Ha = .5*kspies_fort.wy_hess(self.Sijt, mo_a, eia_a, n_a, self.nbas-n_a, self.npot)
self.Hb = .5*kspies_fort.wy_hess(self.Sijt, mo_b, eia_b, n_b, self.nbas-n_b, self.npot)
Siat_a = contract('mi,va,mvt->iat', mo_a[:,:n_a], mo_a[:,n_a:], self.Sijt)
Siat_b = contract('mi,va,mvt->iat', mo_b[:,:n_b], mo_b[:,n_b:], self.Sijt)
self.Ha = 2*contract('iau,iat,ia->ut', Siat_a, Siat_a, eia_a**-1)
self.Hb = 2*contract('iau,iat,ia->ut', Siat_b, Siat_b, eia_b**-1)
self.Hs = np.block([[self.Ha, np.zeros((self.npot, self.npot))],
[np.zeros((self.npot, self.npot)), self.Hb]])
if self.reg > 0:
self.Hs[self.npot:,self.npot:] -= 2*self.reg*self.Tp
self.Hs[:self.npot,:self.npot] -= 2*self.reg*self.Tp
self.t_hs += time.time()-t
return -self.Hs
[docs] def Dvb(self, b=None):
"""Summary: Calcuate the norm of correction potential derivative
.. math::
\\| \\nabla v_C ( \\textbf{r} ) \\| = \\frac{1}{2} \\sum_{\\sigma} \\int v_{C,\\sigma} ( \\textbf{r} ) \\nabla^2 v_{C,\\sigma} ( \\textbf{r} ) d \\textbf{r}
if b is None:
ba = self.b[:len(self.b)//2]
bb = self.b[len(self.b)//2:]
ba = b[:len(b)//2]
bb = b[len(b)//2:]
Dvb = contract('s,st,t', ba, self.Tp, ba)
Dvb += contract('s,st,t', bb, self.Tp, bb)
return Dvb